
Help Support Your Awesome School!


Mabel’s Labels

Make sure your child keeps that brand-new Inside Out® lunchbox, those $70 “indoor” shoes, or the new, awesome Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle® hoodie by slapping on Mabel’s Labels!

Mabel’s Labels donates 20% of each purchase to our school, so it’s a win-win: you keep your stuff plus you raise funds for NCNS!

“I just needed a few more basic labels for camp this summer,
and my order raised $8 for the Co-op. How easy is that?”
Co-op parent who was tired of losing stuff

It’s easy to order!

  1. Be sure to use this link so we actually receive the funds you raise (bookmark it!).
  2. Then scroll down to Contribute.
  3. And click on Go Shopping.

We need and appreciate every dollar raised because we always need books, crayons, paints, and more. So thank you from all of us for helping your school!